Željko Uremović was born in 1957 in Vinkovci and grew up in a small village called Andrijaševci in eastern Croatia.
He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb in 1982 in the class of Professor Raoul Goldoni.
He started to hold exhibitions in 1985. He has held over 50 independent exhibitions in Croatia, Norway, the Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Italy and Austria.
During the exhibition Grand Prix International d´Art Plastique held in 1990 in Nice, France, he was awarded for originality of technique and work of art.
Željko Uremović is a member of the International Christian Media Commission (ICMC) since the date of its foundation in Sheffield, UK, in 1991. He participated in several international conferences of artists - Christians (Austria 1993, Hungary 1995 and Croatia 1999). Since 1987 he has worked as an independent artist.
For some time he worked as a professor of fine arts in high school, and from 2014 - 2016 he held art workshops for older amateurs in his atelier in Trogir. Due to great interest, and especially from the youngest students, in 2016 he organized an art workshop for children at the Trogir promenade, by the church of St Dominik. Approximately 40 children participated in that workshop, from 2,5 to 12 years old.
During the winter he lives and works in the Czech Republic, for few years he has lived in Prague, and since 2013 he has been living in Pernink near Karlovy Vary. During the summer season he works and exhibits in Trogir, in southern Dalmatia, in his studio Open Atelier Uremović. It is always his pleasure to welcome guests interested in his work up to his Atelier.

- 1990 - France, Nice, L’Aigne Magazine Price for originality of artwork at the Grand Prix International d’Art Plastique
- 1999 - Croatia, Osijek, 2nd Waldinger’s Salon Approval
2022 – Czech Republic, Loket nad Ohří, Galerie Cafe Loket
2021 – Czech Republic, Ostrov, Stará radnice
2019 – Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary, Krajská nemocnice Karlovy Vary
2017 – Czech Republic, Loket nad Ohři, Galerie Cafe Loket
2017 – Croatia, Zagreb, Galerija specijalne policije
2016 – Czech Republic, Loket nad Ohří, Cafe galerie
2016 – Norway, Os, Vedholmen Galleri
2014 – Germany, Scheessel Kunstgewerbehaus
2013 – Norway, Tysvaertunet
2012 – Norway, Fevik, Fevik kirke
2012 – Croatia, Trogir, Muzej grada Trogira
2012 – Norway, Os, Vedholmen Galleri
2011 – Czech Republic, Lanškroun, Galerie Městského muzea
2011 – Czech Republic, Poděbrady, Galerie Ludvíka Kuby
2011 – Norway, Sveio, Ryvarden Kulturfyr
2010 – Czech Republic, Poděbrady, Galerie Ludvíka Kuby
2009 – Belgium, Olen, De sterrewijzer
2009 – Croatia, Vinkovci, Galerija gradskog kazališta Joza Ivakič
2009 – Norway, Vikedal kirke
2009 – Norway, Sannidal, Hageutstilling pa Lonne gard
2008 – Belgium, Olen, De sterrewijzer
2008 – Czech Republic, Loket nad Ohří, Cafe galerie
2008 – Norway, Sand, „Galleri A´godt!“
2007 – Norway, Sandeid, „Galleri A´godt!“
2005 – Croatia, Biograd na Moru, Cafe-galerija „Carpymore“
2004 – Croatia, Vinkovci, Galerija „Slavko Kopač“
2003 – Austria, Feistriz am Gail, Galerie Druml
2003 – Italy, Verona, Galerie Fondacije Tonioni
2001 – Croatia, Zagreb, exhibition area of Ministry of Finance
2000 – Switzerland, Basel-Langenthal, Galerie SGM Klinik
1998 – Croatia, Zagreb, Galerija „Citroen“
1997 – Croatia, Šibenik, Galerija Baptističke crkve „Ihthus“
1997 – Croatia, Osijek, Caffe-galerija „Kvazimondo“
1996 – Croatia, Zagreb, Galerija INA- Ksaver
1995 – Croatia, Karlovac, Zorin-dom
1994 – Croatia, Zagreb, Galerija INA V. Holjevca
1994 – Croatia, Đakovo, Dijecezanski muzej „J. J. Strossmayera“
1993 – France, Cannes, Galerie Mengin
1992 – Germany, Reutlingen, Hrvatska katolička misija
1991 – Germany, Munich, „Europaeische Patentamt“
1990 – The Netherlands, Rotterdam, „Continental Art Centre“
1989 – Croatia, Vrbnik na Krku, Galerija „Bačin dvor“
1989 – Croatia, Punat, Galerija „TOŠ“
1989 – The Netherlands, Den Haag, „Galerie Art + Craft“
1988 – Germany, Karlsruhe, „Galerie am Basler Tor“
1987 – Croatia, Zagreb, Galerija „Moša Pijade“
1987 – Croatia, Zagreb, Galerija „Vladimir Nazor“
1986 – Croatia, Vinkovci, Galerija Grada Vinkovaca
1985 – Croatia, Karlovac, Zilik
1991 - UK, Sheffield, World Exhibition of Christian artists on „The Last Supper of the Lord“
1993 - Austria, Schloss Mittersill, Christian artists from Central and Eastern Europe
1995 - Hungary, Budapest, Congress of Christian artists
1996 - Croatia, Sv. I. Zelina, Christ in contemporary Croatian painting
1997 - Croatia, XV. Slavonian Biennale
1999 - Croatia, Osijek, II. Waldinger salon
2000 - Slovenia, Kranj, World Festival Art on Paper
2000 - Argentina, Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural Recoleta, „Arte Sacro Croata“, Embassy of the Republic of Croatia
2004 - Norway, Sandeid, Galerie „A´godt!“