Since 1997 I have been living and painting in Trogir, Zagreb, Prague and in Norway.
I find the nature of my creative being to be the reason for my migration among these destinations. After leaving Zagreb, Dalmatia inspired me with its light, towards the margins of the known, and the profundity of the unknown, towards God. In the streets or “kale” of my Trogir one can vanish, evaporate, enlighten, idly wander.
I am interested in looking into the depth of the real, into alleys and paths that lead to the formation of the newly born, into my dreams, visions, longings and faith!
This new opus of my work represents that answer, the service and the gratitude.
I have everything in God, and my art is a confession of my compassion and my limitation.
I didn’t manage to endure in cleverness, I fell. It spun me into the wind, my eyes and my right hand, the hand with which I hold my paint-brush. But my peace and my faith grew stronger and enlightened me with the intensity of inspiration, and they testify that illness does not represent drama, but brings liberation and joy!
These paintings are not merchandise, artefacts, they are LIFE. They are food for the soul, and not for intelligence and functionality.
I have no fear of falling, I already fell. I burst as a seed that has had to burst, sprout, give birth to something new. Earth is a wonderful place to fall on, and out of dying, liberation is born.
I invite you all for a walk through my impressions, the joys of new births. Life. Path. Truth. The blind can see, the deaf can hear, jump in gratitude, free from the power of darkness, black holes, absorption, oppression and blackmail.
Do not be afraid to fall, to break the neck of your arrogance. Look and listen, feast on good food!
Your painter, Željko